- By Steve Tobak
- Most people go to work, get a paycheck, and spend it. Not you. If I've got you pegged right (and I'm pretty sure I do), you've got more ambition than that. A lot more. And you're smarter than that. A lot smarter. Good for you.
- As we used to say back in Brooklyn, that and 90 cents will get you on the subway. Don't tell me how much it costs now; I don't want to know.
- In all seriousness, brains and ambition is a pretty good start to launch a career, but it's not enough, not by a long shot. You see, there are lots of things in the corporate world that affect you, but you've got to know how to read the tea leaves.
Blog Inspiratif, Merubah Diri Lebih Positif, Motivasi,dan Pengembangan Diri Medical Representative
Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014
8 Signs Your Career Is in Trouble
Positive Mindset dalam Empat Level Gelombang Otak
Yodhia Antariksa
Dalam Law of Attaction (Hukum Tarik Menarik) kita mengetahui bahwa betapa sesungguhnya pola pikir dan
rajutan imajinasi kita memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap
sejarah masa depan hidup kita.
Demikianlah, jika kita selalu mampu menganyam pola pikir yang guyub
dengan energi positif – dengan energi tentang keyakinan-diri, dengan
pancaran optimisme yang kokoh, dan dengan sikap hidup yang selalu penuh
rasa sukur – maka ada peluang besar bahwa hidup sejati kita akan
benar-benar dilimpahi oleh sederet narasi tentang keberhasilan.
Sebaliknya, jika bentangan hidup kita selalu diharu-biru oleh rajutan
pola pikir yang negatif – tentang bayangan kelam kegagalan, tentang
rasa tak percaya diri, tentang kegamangan, dan sikap hidup yang selalu
mengeluh serta menyalahkan pihak lain (tanpa mau jernih melakukan
introspeksi) – maka besar kemungkinan hidup nyata kita benar-benar akan
dipenuhi dengan elegi pilu kemalangan dan kenestapaan.
Itulah mengapa kaum bijak bestari memberi petuah agar kita bisa
selalu melentikkan api optimisme dalam diri kita dan juga mampu merawat
pola pikir positif. Positif melihat masa depan kita, positif melihat
segenap tantangan yang menghadang, dan positif dalam berpikir serta
Is Relationship Building in Sales Dead?
By Mike Schultz
There's been a lot of noise the last couple years declaring relationship selling dead. "The Internet has changed everything." "Personal connections don't matter anymore." "Selling is not about relationships." "Throw out everything you thought you knew about sales, Armageddon is coming!" Blah, blah, etc.
As we've discussed before, we strongly disagree with the idea that selling is not about relationships. Relationship building is still critical to winning sales. But it has changed. We wanted to know exactly how—from the buyers' perspective.
So we studied more than 700 buyers representing $3.1 billion in annual B2B purchases across multiple industries to learn what sales winners did differently from sellers who came in second.
We found that sales winners consistently do three things: They connect, convince, and collaborate with buyers. Our research found that sales winners make strong personal connections at more than double the rate of second-place finishers. Relationship building in sales is far from dead. So what's changed?
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014
16 Principles of Influence in Sales
By Mike Schultz & John Doerr
When I was 6 I wanted a basketball for my birthday. I didn’t ask my dad for it myself. I sent in the big gun: my sister Allyson.
I gave her the 411 on what I wanted and why, and we proceeded with a white board session where we mapped out all of the possible ways to get the decision makers to rule in our favor. (OK, as talented an 8 year old as Allyson was, maybe there was no white board. But we did talk about it, and she was a mean sidewalk chalk girl.)
Shortly thereafter, we green-lighted operation Cedric Maxwell.
A few hours later, the qualified decision maker (a.k.a. Dad) came to see me. As he tells me the story, he asked me why I sent my sister in to lobby for me.
My answer, “She’s the better convincer.”
I wish I could say something like, “Since that day I began a life journey to unearth, study, and master the principles of influence,” but, as I recall, I was distracted that afternoon with the magical world of Shrinky Dinks.
I did, however, learn that I’m not a natural influencer or persuader. Some people, like dear ole sis, are. But not me.
When my career path landed me in business leadership and sales, I started to notice a number of other naturally talented “convincers” around me, but they were outnumbered quite a bit by folks more like me; I might have known what I wanted, and known I wanted to influence people and events, but I was no better than average at it.
Tugas Medical Representative : Detailing
Proses komunikasi antara Medical Representative dan customer (paramedis) untuk menawarkan produknya biasanya disebut sebagai detailing. Itulah sebabnya maka medical representative disebut juga detailer. Detailing ini sangat penting, karena inilah tujuan utama keberadaan seorang Medical Representative. Dilakukan secara rutin, biasanya untuk customer / dokter yang berpotensi besar (memiliki jumlah pasien yang banyak, seorang Key Opinion Leader, atau pejabat / pemilik rumah sakit.klinik), dikunjungi minimal seminggu dua kali agar nama produk yang ditawarkan benar-benar menancap di benak customer. Karena rutin dikunjungi, maka agar customer tidak jenuh bertemu dengan medical representative, diperlukan kemampuan detailing yang baik dan menarik.
10 Essential Selling Principles Most Salespeople Get Wrong
Several months ago, a client of mine who runs a small, profitable business serving other businesses shared with me that she was receiving powerful sales training from Sandler Training, and my ears perked up. Many entrepreneurial women I coach find the sales process extremely challenging and perplexing, and fewer still have had the courage to walk directly into their challenges by signing up for sales training.
I was intrigued by what she shared, so I purchased the book The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them, written by David Mattson, CEO of Sandler Training. I found it to be chock full of integrity-aligned sales principles and strategies that move sales away from a “sleazy” endeavor of trying to pull a fast one over on your would-be client, to a more empowering, empathic, curious and open sharing of your talents and services in a way that creates a win/win relationship for all involved.
Dave shared that despite Sandler Training’s growing popularity, sales people the world over still continue to commit sales suicide through common blunders and mistakes. While many learn from those mistakes, others fall into the same selling traps continuously.I reached out to Dave Mattson to learn more about what Sandler teaches that makes them so effective. Founded in 1967, Sandler Training has helped thousands of companies become more profitable by training sales professionals with a unique selling system of techniques and guiding principles that focuses on asking questions, talking less, educating more, and knowing when to walk away. In many ways, these ideals are fundamentally different from traditional sales techniques, but Sandler is obviously doing something right. Sandler Training is the world’s leader in sales development training programs for salespeople at small, medium and Fortune-sized businesses as well for as solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and independent consultants, delivering an estimated 92,000 training hours per year.
Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014
Males Ngantor
by: Dadang Kadarusman
Hari ini bangun pagi Anda gampang apa susah? Maksudnya gampang adalah; ketika alarm berbunyi Anda langsung bangun, ataukah hanya menggeliat lalu mematikan alarm itu. Dan kemudian menarik selimut lagi. Atau barangkali Anda sudah menggunakan alarm biologis yang tertanam dialam bawah sadar Anda, sehingga apapun situasinya; Anda bangun pada jam yang sama setiap harinya. Setelah bangun, bagaimana dengan mandi Anda? Lalu mengenakan pakaian kerja kan tentu saja. Nah, setelah berpakaian lengkap itu. Apakah Anda langsung berangkat ke kantor dengan penuh gairah? Ataukah, menghela nafas panjang dengan berat. Karena terbayang dalam benak Anda; jalanan yang macet, dan betapa beratnya memulai kerja kembali di hari senin ini? Heh, kenapa sih kok nanya sampai sedetil-detil itu? Usil banget ya saya ini. Kalau begitu, saya tarik kembali pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu. Tolong direnungkan saja ya. Tapi tak usah deh. Lupakan saja….
by J.E. Block M.D., Phd, FACP
Coffee is consumed as a leisurely relaxing beverage with potential health benefits and a slight concern of harm. But what is the benefit and does it outweigh the risk? I have been researching the answer for over fifty years. Now I think I have the solution! Coffee has over a thousand chemicals, many formed during the roasting process. The bioactive componds are “boiled down to” caffeine, the Diterpenes (Cafestol and Kahweol) found in the oils, the healthy polyphenols (notably chlorogenic acid), some minerals (a little magnesium and even less potassium) and minimal vitamins. A healthy aspect of coffee is the wonderful aroma, which lasts a few minutes after it is brewed. This is due to aromatic hydrocarbons in the coffee that are rapidly vaporized. In experiments with laboratory rats, it was discovered that coffee aroma orchestrated the expression of more than a dozen genes and changed their protein expression, in ways that reduced the stress of sleep deprivation. Seventy-five percent of coffee’s flavor is smell alone. The grounds remove 85% of heavy metals (lead, copper, mercury, cadmium, and zinc) from tap water! They may also capture other heavy metals. Moreover, there are three preparations of coffee that are commonly consumed and worthy of discussion; boiled, unfiltered coffee, filtered coffee.
Atasan Yang Selalu Diingat
by: Dadang Kadarusman
Gampang, kalau sekedar ingin menjadi atasan yang selalu diingat oleh anak buahnya. Secara naluriah, bawahan selalu ingat terhadap atasannya. Makanya, ada bawahan yang setiap pagi malas ngantor. Karena pagi itu dia teringat punya jadwal rapat dengan atasannya. Atau, karena dia harus mengirimkan laporan kepada atasannya. Atau, karena atasannya hari ini masuk kantor lagi setelah beberapa hari traveling. Ada juga anak buah yang selalu bersemangat, karena dia ingat jika atasannya akan selalu ada ketika dibutuhkan. Apa saja. Pokoknya, selalu ada alasan kenapa anak buah selalu ingat atasannya. Tantangannya adalah; bagaimana caranya membuat agar anah buah selalu mengingat hal-hal positif kita. Bukan yang sebaliknya.
Simple Ways To Look Smarter
by Ken Myers
Everybody wants to look smart. They want other people’s respect and admiration. They want to be looked up to. The only problem is that oftentimes people go about appearing smart in all the wrong ways. If you are not careful, instead of looking smart you can look cocky, arrogant, and foolish. However, there are a few simple ways to look smart without falling into those categories.
Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014
Siapa Yang Layak Menjadi Pemimpin?
by: Dadang Kadarusman
Source: www.barnesandnoble.com |
Andaikan kita boleh bereksperimen. Menanyakan pertanyaan ini; “Siapakah Yang Layak Menjadi Pemimpin?” kepada sekelompok orang secara individual. Kemungkinan kita akan mendapatkan jawaban seperti ini: Saya, Gue, Ane. Atau Aku. Memang sih, jawaban itu tidak akan sedemikian vulgarnya. Namun, di kantor-kantor kita selalu bisa menemukan orang yang merasa dirinya lebih layak untuk dipromomosikan menduduki jabatan tinggi dibanding seseorang yang menurut pendapatnya ‘nggak pantes’, kan? Apalagi menjelang pemilu seperti saat ini. Lihatlah disepanjang jalan toll, setiap perempatan atau tikungan. Ada banyak foto orang-orang ‘asing’ yang merasa bahwa wajahnya harus dikenal. Alasannya ya itu tadi. Karena mereka merasa bahwa dirinyalah yang layak untuk menjadi pemimpin. Tapi, sebenarnya siapa sih yang bisa secara obyektif menentukan seseorang layak menjadi pemimpin atau tidak itu? Bukan dirinya sendiri.
How To Learn To Take Responsibility
by Daniel Adetunji
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Source: edenchanges.wordpress com |
Responsibility is the ability to respond and act accordingly. You must understand that leadership is responsibility. Often times, most folks want to attain a high position in their job or life, but they are not ready to take the responsibility that comes with it.
Promotion comes with responsibility. If you don’t want to pay the price that comes with promotion, then don’t dream to be promoted.
”Ability” in the above context does not refer to authority or energy. Ok, let me explain so you understand what I’m saying.
Let’s say you come into your room or office and you notice a painting that was supposed to be hanging on the wall slumped; take immediate action to reposition it rightly. If you walk away ignoring the dissonance, it means you’re not showing any sign of responsibility. If you have this ” I don’t care” attitude, stop it because it won’t take you anywhere.
Don’t delay your promotion with your lackadaisical attitude. Put it off. Embrace humility. Take up responsibilities. I mean, take up responsibilities even when you’re not asked to.
Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014
Tukang Traktir
by Dadang Kadarusman
Siapa sih yang tidak mau berteman dengan orang yang suka mentraktir? Kayaknya sih, semua orang suka sekali berteman dengan tukang traktir ya. Kita suka kepada orang yang mentraktir minuman di café. Kita suka kepada orang yang mengeluarkan dompet untuk makan siang kita. Tentu kita juga suka sekali kepada orang yang membayari tiket nonton konser. Pokoknya, kalau pergi sama dia; dijamin seru deh. Itulah sebabnya, orang yang suka mentraktir orang lain selalu mempunyai banyak teman, iya kan? Pertanyaannya kemudian adalah; apakah orang yang suka mentraktir kita itu benar-benar mempunyai uang lebih banyak dari kita yang hobby sekali nebeng ini? Coba renungkan sekali lagi; apakah Anda yakin jika orang yang selalu Anda harapkan untuk mentraktir itu punya uang lebih banyak dari Anda?
How Passion Makes The Impossible Possible
by Scott Addis
Industry consultants spend a lot of time trying to understand people’s performance. This includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of prospecting, sales skills, customer relationship management and differentiated business development initiatives. The consultant’s performance indicators focus upon a host of quantifiable measures including the number of prospect calls, proposals, new business hit ratios and retention.
Business development performance can be enhanced through the strategies, activities and the measures listed above. There is no question that a strategic business development plan, which incorporates a differentiated sales process, is essential. However, what is often overlooked is a producer’s Emotional Energy – his or her Passion for the business.
Menjual Diri Kepada Anak Buah
by: Dadang Kadarusman
Soal ‘menjual diri’, tidak diragukan lagi jika konotasi kita sudah terbangun dengan baik, sehingga konteks yang ada didalam benak kita sudah langsung menuju kepada hal-hal positif. Kita, memang mesti pandai menjual diri. Agar keberadaan kita dihargai, kualitas kita diakui. Dan kepada kita diberikan kepercayaan yang selayaknya kita terima sebagai seorang pribadi yang berkualitas tinggi. Tapi… menjual diri kepada anak buah? Apakah tidak salah? Biasanya kan menjual diri itu kepada perusahaan atau pihak-pihak yang bisa mengambil keputusan. Tapi kepada anak buah. Haruskah kita menjual diri juga? Bagaimana menurut pendapat Anda?
The Voice. Anda tentu mengenal acara tivi spektakuler itu. Beda sekali gaya kompetisinya dibandingkan dengan reality show lainnya. Dalam The Voice, ada tahapan dimana ke-4 juri berebut untuk mendapatkan talenta terbaik yang ada. Dan untuk mendapatkan talenta itu, mereka mesti menjual dirinya kepada sang talenta. Jika ada peserta yang bagus, tentu lebih dari satu juri yang menginginkannya masuk kedalam teamnya. Namun itu juga berarti bahwa para juri itu mesti bersaing satu sama lain agar sang talenta memilih dirinya sebagai pelatihnya. Bayangkan. Bukan pelatih yang memilih murid. Tapi murid yang memilih pelatih. Dalam kondisi tertentu, murid menolak gurunya.
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